Unit 23 Activity 4 Evaluating repurposed content


Governing bodies:


OFCOM is the office or regulations were everything that gets broadcasted for example TV, Radio and other services such as broadband, home phone and mobile services. OFCOM is responsible for what the public gets to see or hear in any these services and ensure that the content that gets broadcasted is not harmful in any way. I do not believe that OFCOM needs to regulate my Personal Media Profile or my coursework blog as the images and videos displayed can be viewed by anyway and wouldn’t cause any harm to anybody. If my advertisement products did air on the television they would have in that case to ensure that content does meet their criteria and if it would be prewatershed or watershed. 


The Copyright act gives the respectful owner the right to regulate how their work can be used or reproduced. All of the work that is on my blog has been produced by me and no copyright acts have been breached. The Lucozade advertisement was created for promotion purposes which I believe doesn’t hurt Lucozade’s name or branding.

Libel Slander Defamation:

Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. These Defamations are made in order to damage the reputation of a person or organisation.

I haven’t made any false statements or published wrong information within my work and I haven’t mislead any viewers or caused any harm to the products or companies that have been mentioned.


The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent advertising regulator that makes sure Advertisements stick to the advertising rules they have created.

My Lucozade advertisment is targeted towards the age of 15 and above because of it being an Energy Drink which it would be unsuitable for audiences younger than 15 years old.


IPSO or Independent Press Standards Organisation is UK’s largest independent Newspaper and Magazine regulator. I do not believe that my advertisement poster beaches any of the regulations set by the IPSO and it would be suitable for Newspaper or Magazine use.

Ethical Issues:

Plagiarism :

Plagiarism is the representation of someone else’s work and ideas without naming the owner as the source of information.

All of the work published on my blog was made by me therefore does not plagiarise anyone else’s work or content.

Cyber Bullying:

Cyber Bullying is a form of bullying using Electronic Devices as a means of communication mostly by messaging or by uploading harmful content against someone.

Brand Mentioning:

Brand Mentioning is when a Brand is mentioned in forms such as Social Media Posts, BlogPosts and other forms of content. My Personal Media Profile does use Brand Referencing due Lucozade being part of my advertising campaign.

Internet Hacking:

Hacking is the unauthorised access to or control over computer network security systems for illicit purpose.

Data Protection :

Data Protection is process of employees or individuals of safeguarding data from corruption or loss.There is no data belonging to others that has been shared on either my  Personal Media Profile or Coursework Blog.


Unit 23 Activity 3: Identifying content and creating a Personal Media Profile

For the Showreel:

The showreel will begin with my first ever video that I created during the course named ” The Signs ”

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I will be using Royalty Free Music throughout the whole Showreel and all of the original audio from the clips I will include will be muted.

The next clip will be Vanessa sitting down and listening to music, this would be a shorter version in order to be able to fit more clips and make the showreel more interesting.

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Next we’ve got Vanessa sitting in the living room when she receives text messages from an Unknown Number. This part is very essential as Vanessa is trying to find out who that person is

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The conversation is quite small and the end part is very important.

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This is the part when Vanessa starts walking towards to the park in order to meet the “Unknown Sender”. She receives a call from the unknown sender and replies to it asking where this person is.

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This is where a new opening credit will be made for the next video I’ve participated in the making of it called Love at First Sight. The reason why I would like to include this short video on my showreel as well is because it shows my video recording abilities quite well including the editing part of it as well.

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Next. is the part that Sophia help Nico collect his newspaper from the ground, when a man passing by accidentally pushed him.

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The next scene is were Nico goes to his right platform but Sophia is stuck on his mind. He wanted to thank her for helping him get his newspaper back.

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Now that Sophia and Nico are at the right platforms, Sophia waves at Nico and smiles at him. Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 17.48.07.png

Nico then decides to go over and thank her in person. Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 17.49.21.png

This is the end of Love at First Sight. The next short advert is my Lucozade advert, it starts with Harvey having been out for a run. Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 17.52.51.png

Harvey doesn’t seem to be keeping up a consistent pace, so a runner that was near him gave him a lucozade bottle. Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 17.55.04.png

Once Harvey had the Lucozade drink he felt like he had a lot more energy rather than just have water.

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And this were the showreel ends, with credits to all of the actors that participated on the films I’ve created.

CV:           JULIAN BUZI CV



Unit 23: Activity 2: Planning a personal media profile


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Personal Media Profile : julianbuzipersonalmediaprofile.wordpress.com

CV Plan

Personal Details:

Full Name

Contact Details

Home Address

Personal Statement 

This will be a paragraph were readers will get an insight on who I am and what my capabilities are and my future plans. The paragraph will include just the basics and why I wish to apply for my University of choice or job.


Qualifications from GCSE’s, A Level, BTEC and CamTech exams and my international’s grades from my previous high school.

Work Experience:

Work Experience I voluntiered in the past including length of time, address and a brief explanation of my role


Current and past jobs including address and start and end date of each job.


IT skills, foreign languages and hobbies can be included on this section


3 Recent references would be ideal including uptodate contact details and and addresses.

Social Media:

I will be using popular social media accounts such us Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to share the work that I have produced.

Target Audiences :

My primary target audience would be the one that I would mostly want my Personal Media Profile work to be viewed by such as the Media Sector that could potentially help me grow my career. The secondary target audience is as important as the first target audience but its a wider audience.

Person 1:

Tom is a 29 year old male who is the Head of Digital Marketing of The NewYorker. He is a high class, White British with Conservative believes. He loves taking his Poodle for walks and likes cooking. He works full time and loves his job. Tom is looking for an apprentice to take on in the Digital Marketing sector who shares the same views and beliefs and can carry on the companies image. He is also interested in the newer generation of graduates   to bring a new view in the company.

Person 2:

Sophia is a 48 year old woman, she does interviews for Universities for their Marketing and Designing courses. She has liberal beliefs and has been in the same work of field for over 20 years. Sophia spends most of her time outside of work with her family and loves flying all over the world. She’s selective with the candidates and is looking for young students that will succeed on their courses.


Unit 23 – Activity 1: Research into Personal Media Profiles


  • What is a Personal Media Profile?

A Personal Media Profile is a form of a digital portfolio that you can showcase your work such as film reels and photographs that you have previously taken. Media Profiles are used in order to project your work to employers and forecast your creative potential.

  • Discuss the uses of each of these types of personal media profiles and their individual purposes:


Websites such as WordPress or Wix can be used to upload your work and to be viewed by the public. A reason to choose a Website rather than a social media account to upload your work is the flexibility that website’s give you with the main one being that you get to choose your own design on your website and customise it however you like. This gives users the ability to showcase their work in the way they want it to be rather than a normal preset social media post.

Another advantage of using a Website is that it can be more than just a Resume. Websites  can really boost your views since popular search engines such as Google can recommend your website while someone is searching the web. Employers as well will be able to view your Portfolio as soon as they type your name.

A disadvantage of using a Website is that compatibility across devices can be an issue meaning that on some devices the viewer might not be able to get to the same experience as others will on different devices.


Blogs can be used to share your work such as images and videos, it is mainly used in order to engage with your audience and get feedback on your work.

A disadvantage of using a blog is, it needs to be kept up to date regularly and interactions with readers needs to be constant as well which can be time consuming.


CV’s are mainly used to show your skills, experience and qualifications all in one page. They are mostly used in order to apply for jobs or to share your work experience.

A benefit of using a CV is that it’s a really simple way to introduce yourself in a few words and show your potential and abilities.

The main disadvantage of using a CV is that you cannot display any of your work.


A showreel is a short 2-3 minute video that shows your best pieces of work edited all together. Showreels are mostly used by people involved in filmmaking and other media sectors but also by actors, animators, designers, and others to show the work they’ve been part of. Showreels can also be included in your CV in order to promote your work to talent agents and producers

A disadvantage is that showreels do not include any information about the creator or the people being in it.

Physical Portfolio 

This is a binder book that is an edited collection of their best artwork intended to showcase your method of work. Portfolios are used by artists to show to their employers their abilities by showing different samples of current work.

With Physical portfolios the main disadvantage is that you’re not able to reach a wider audience because of it not being on the web to able to share you work online.


Unit 20: Activity 4: Pre-production and Production

P3: Preproduction Material for the Campaign


talent-release-2 Harvey


risk-assessment-3 Tom


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P4: An outline of how social media and website adverts will be used for the campaign.

The social media platforms I will be using to share my advertisement products will be Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. These online platforms help content to be spread out and viewed by people all around the world. The hashtags I will be using are #Lucozade and #StayStrongWithLucozade which is also the slogan of this advertising campaign.    My advert will also be uploaded on YouTube in order for people that are not on Social Media to be able to view the advertisement. The post that I will be also creating will be on local bus stations and trains as part of Guerrilla Marketing. Viewers and Audience will be able to able to find all of my advertisement product via the hashtag #StayStrongwithLucozade and the bottom there be links to all of the other social media platforms that fans can access and get the latest updates.

Unit 20 Activity 3: Legal and ethical considerations


While in the process of creating my Advertising Campaign I took into consideration the rules and regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP).

The first compliance rule ( 01)  that I’ve ensured all of my advertisement products follow is that they all portray an accurate representation of the product and not mislead any of the audience. The advertisement under the ASA and CAP guidelines should not be misleading customers or presenting products in an unclear, ambiguous manner to persuade them into buying the product. My Advertisement does comply with this law because I will be accurately representing Lucozade as the brand has done in past.

The Second Compliance rule ( 13) is the Food Supplements and Nutrition claims law, with this law every advertisement product should not promote their products by anyway as Weightloss products, food supplements or the product being advertised to Children. I have made sure that anything that will be shown during any of my advertisement products is not wrongly advertised or misleading any of the viewers.

Another Legal Consideration is copyrighted music. In order to use an artists music, I would need their permission in order to incorporate it into my work. Unfortunately, my budget wouldn’t be able to cover that so Royalty-free music would be my only solution.

One more Legal Consideration I’ve kept in mind is the Building Copyright Act was if there is a public building on film, I would need to get special permission in order to have buildings in any of advertisement products. In the making of my advertisement products I have made sure to film on public places and that there are no people nearby that I would have to ask for their permission to be on camera

Unit 20 Activity 2: Planning an advertising campaign


The Product is going to be the Lucozade Energy drink, my slogan for the drink is Stay Strong with Lucozade. My idea for my campaign is based on the existing Lucozade advertisement “Last Man Standing”. In my advertisement, I will have a teenager that is running, after a while he feels like he can’t cope anymore with just the bottle of water that he has with him. Another Athlete was running by him and gave him a Lucozade Energy bottle which gave him a lot more energy than the bottle of plain water.

The Media Products I will create are the TV Advert, billboard poster and a magazine advert. The purpose of the advertisement is to promote the Lucozade energy drink. My advert is an Action and Comedy advert and is targeted towards young adults between 16-25 but not limited just to them. The secondary targeted audience is people that drink Lucozade either because they are interested in sports and like to increase their energy.

During my advertisement, I won’t have any music in the background other than the audio from the original video. That is because I would have to request permission from the copyright owner to use it which would add up to my existing budget. Costume wise, both of the actors will be wearing sports clothing because of the target audience.

Regarding the budget, I set my budget at £25. The Filming Equipment was provided by the college free of charge which does help since I’m a college student with limited resources. My friends both offered to help as actors in turn to free pizza. The Price of a Lucozade bottle is £1 and the on my budget I also included the transportation to the filming location. Actors are not required to wear any costumes but sporty clothing is prefered. The Camera and sound equipment will only be used for one day since the weather conditions are not allowing us to be outside for long periods.

Lucozade’s Unique Selling Point is that the bottles come in different shapes and colour to differentiate the different flavours and the energy from the normal drink.

Campaign 1: Lucozade Energy – Spark “Something” TV Campaign 2019



This Lucozade TV advert features a father bemused by his son’s decision to follow a career in Djing. However, when he finds his son in a club at his set playing a track to the delight of everyone in the club, he fills with pride. The commercial is titled “Spark something”

Campaign 2: Lucozade Sport “Three Lionesses”




This Lucozade advert is aimed to support females players and tell the story of female footballers overcoming prejudices to reach the international stage. While in the process of creating this advert, Lucozade released 2 new bottle designs.

Campaign 3: Lucozade “Last Man Standing”

Lucozade carried out Scientific tests that claim Lucozade Sport hydrates and fuels people better than water. 24 Athletes were set in lab conditions head-to-head in a performance challenge, half fuelled by Lucozade Sport and the other half by water. The campaign was released both on TV and Online.




Lucozade’s Unique Selling Position is that bottles come in different colours and shapes e.g. the Lucozade Sports bottle has a better grip to it. People can have Lucozade at any time of the day either as a refreshment while they are out or a fuel drink for athletes.


The key message for my campaign is that anyone can have Lucozade have power again. You can have Lucozade at any occasion and feel a lot strong than you would feel in comparison with other sports drinks that are available on the market. Lucozade’s advertisements have a very broad view, showing teenagers that everything can be done if you believe in yourself. In my advertisement, I wanted to show the exact same message as Lucozade did. Embracing power and overcoming fear to achieve every dream.

I held a Focus Group to share my opinions and research that I have gathered online. My first question to the focus group was; What do they like about Lucozade.                          With that question, I was able to get direct feedback that I could use to improve my own notes. The responses I got are that Lucozade comes in different bottle shapes and flavours to match everyone lifestyle and preferences. That shows that Lucozade has considered every one of Its customers and gather feedback in order to improve their recipes and what customers already like. My next question to the focus group was what did they think about the existing campaign, what did they like and what they think could be improved on the next campaign. The answer was that they’d like the videos to be more diverse and support all backgrounds and attempt to show every ethnicities true form by filming new campaigns in different countries with actors that originate from that country.

For this project, I have chosen to create a TV Advert, A Magazine poster and A Billboard. First I will begin planning my film shooting as soon as my actors become available and the weather is good enough for us to be outdoors, the filming part should be ready by the 24th of February. Once the filming has been completed I will begin to edit the film and create the Magazine Poster and Billboard which will be ready by the 5th of March.

I believe that the audience will respond well to advertisement because they are already familiar with brand Lucozade and it has a sporty vibe to it. I have made sure that the advertisement is rightly targeted towards my target audience which will ensure the success of the advertisement.

Unit 20 Activity 1: Existing Media Advertising Campaigns

Unit 20: Adverting Media

Activity 1: Existing Media Advertising Campaigns


An advertising campaign is a series of similar advertisements by a company or a business that shares the same message, while also convincing consumers to purchase their products. Each advertisement may have different themes but eventually, they all support the same cause.


In 2017, Pepsi created an ad that depicted TV star and model Kendall Jenner joining a street protest and seemingly defusing tensions between protesters and police by handing a police officer a Pepsi.

The ad sparked a firestorm of anger and outrage, as people felt it trivialized important topics like racism, police violence, and Black Lives Matter. While Pepsi stated they intended to send a message of  “peace, unity, and understanding,” the ad came off as incredibly insensitive.

The Advertisement has a broad range for the targeted audience, The Pepsi drink is easily accessible and well known across all generations.

The message that Pepsi was trying to depict is that Pepsi would be able to solve all your issues by just having the drink.

Pepsi used a celebrity endorsement, In this case, Kendall Jenner to increase the popularity of the advert by having the big audience of the celebrity support her either by purchasing the drink or supporting the campaign.

Pepsi came out with a public announcement to apologize for the offensive campaign and since have deleted the video from their YouTube channel and other social media platform but it has been reuploaded since by other channels. This is a public announcement that Pepsi uploaded to their Twitter account.Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 15.28.03

This is the re-uploaded video of the campaign



The first advertising campaign is the 2018 Waitrose & Partners “Too good to wait”, this advertisement features a couple that’s looking forward to spending Christmas together as a family.  Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 15.19.28.png

As the couple is leading to the dining room, the husband grabs his wife’s hand to kiss her but they get interrupted by the rest of the family, calling them to join them at the Christmas table.

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The Strenght of this advert to promote Waitrose’s Food ordering system that can help people that are working and haven’t got enough time to make all of their Christmas Food shopping. Last-minute grocery shopping can be a nightmare especially when the holidays are around but it seems like a lot of retailers are getting on board with the online groceries ordering system so that more people can order their groceries and have them delivered at the time they need them.

The Second Advertisement campaign is the 2018 John Lewis & Partners / Waitrose & Partners “Bohemian Rhapsody”, this advertisement is based on the film about Queen ( The Band) Bohemian Rhapsody. This advertisement tells the story of primary school children performing Bohemian Rhapsody for their parents and the audience.

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During the advertisement the line “When you’re part of it, you put your heart into it”. The kids as seen in the advertisement put the maximum effort in order to achieve the perfect result for their show by going the extra mile.

The Final Advertisement is the Burger King “The mouldy Whopper”. This advert is a less than appetising spot to promote the removal of artificial preservatives from the Whopper in most European countries. Screenshot 2020-03-13 at 15.36.04.png

The video starts off showings us a freshly made Burger King burger from day 1 and day 34 down the line.

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This advertisement campaign was created to create awareness that they are removing preservatives from their burgers to make them healthier. The ad ends with the tagline “the beauty of no artificial preservatives”. It was created by David, Ingo and Publicis Worldwide.

From the three above adverts, I believe that the most effective campaign is the Bohemian Rhapsody from John Lewis & Partners because it shows how if you push your self to the limit and be able to achieve everything you want in life. The Bohemian Rhapsody advert is very different from the other three advertisements I have chosen, but they’re all trying to get across their messages. Burger King announced that they are removing the preservatives from their burgers and Waitrose promoting their Grocery delivery service.